Gatekeeper Rental Application Process:
Please fill out the application by selecting the 'Apply Now' button on the property listing. Incomplete or incorrect information may result in rejection of the application.
We reserve the right to deny your application, if, after making a good-faith effort we are unable to verify your rental history. An application must be complete for every adult (18 years of age and older) who will occupy the property and/or be financially responsible (i.e. co-signers must submit an application even if they are not going to live in the property).
2) Once you have selected a property click on"Apply Now"
Screening Process:
We have a thorough screening process. Please review this list, if you feel that you meet the criteria, we encourage you to apply.
Credit Verification: Applications may (at our opinion) be rejected for negative credit information, unpaid collections, unsatisfied judgments or unreleased liens, and a broken lease.
Landlord Verification: We must be able to verify the last two years of residence.
Employment Verification: We must be able to verify employment.
Income: Monthly income must be three times the monthly rental rate.
You Will Be Denied Rental If:
You misrepresent any information on the application. If misrepresentations are found after the rental agreement is signed, your rental agreement will be terminated.
If you have been convicted of or have charges pending for any type of crime that would be considered a serious threat to real property or other resident's peaceful enjoyment of the premises. Also, if you have been convicted of or have charges pending for the use, manufacture, or distribution of a controlled substance.
Previous landlords report of noncompliance activities.
Negative credit report information.
Previous Landlords would be disinclined to rent to you again for reasons pertaining to your behavior or others allowed on the property during your tenancy.
You use a social security number that has not been issued to you.
By submitting the application, you are giving us the authorization to research and verify the information that you have given. Our research will include verification from sources identified by you, as well as other sources deemed appropriate. Please fill in the application correctly.